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January 28, 2004


Jen L

Hi, I just found your blog through Kitten Avec Whip. I'm originally from MN, and I miss my Caribou Coffee fixes and my LYS in St. Paul (The Yarnery). Where is "Zandys" yarn shop? Hope the weather warms up a little bit for you!


Hi Jen!
Well, it's darn cold! Holy cow! I haven't gotten up to St Paul but that place sounds yummy. Zandy's is down here in the southern suburbs in Burnsville. They are very friendly!

But yes, my Caribou Cappuccino at Byerly's was superb!!!!!

Dig your blog, too.
so much to learn. so little time.


can you please tell me where I can find the colorway of the Plassard Grand Large you have on your blog. I loooooove pink too! -Page


can you please tell me where I can find the colorway of the Plassard Grand Large you have on your blog. I loooooove pink too! -Page

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