My favorite cartoon character is Daffy Duck. Reason being....he is the 5 year old inside all of us. He personifies our little voice's my birthday cake, why should I have to share it? Can't I just eat all of it? And, hey, how come Bugs Bunny has a dressing room with a star on it and I have the broom closet?
Daffy is the most selfish, incorrect being in the cartoon world and I love him for it! He acts without thinking. He speaks with complete disregard for anyone's feelings. He truly is the center of his universe.
With Daffy in mind.....I must rant about the state of the music scene, radio, business, etc. Basically, the choices of music available to us today and how it is presented really pisses me off!
Because I strive to be real, have integrity and give a shit about our music, style and everything else to do with it........okay. First major bitch ....The DISTILLERS. C'mon. This chick has slept her way to the top just like any Hollywood bimbo does. First, the dude in Rancid marries her and poof, she gets a record deal on his label. Then she shags her producer, then the president of the label and latest she was sleepin' with the dude in Queens of Stone Age. Isn't it coincidental that they got that tour?
Secondly, has NOBODY noticed? She sounds like HOLE? What the F***?
Speaking of HOLE, how come everyone thinks Courtney is so brilliant when she brings in like a zillion 'big name co-songwriters' for every album? What's up with that shit? Write your own songs Courtney. There ain't nothin' special about co-writing with a ton of OUTSIDE writers to come up with hits. Duh? But beyond that, she just rides on the coattails of fame and stupid publicity. Make music. Not headlines.
Which brings us to PINK. Now there's a real rocker. Wow. She plays guitar so well too. I'm so sick of the media giving this chick kudos for bein' a 'woman in rock'. Hello? Am I missing something here or have people forgotten about Chrissie Hynde? Not to mention, the ENDLESS stream of co-writes yet again.
What happened to bands who actually wrote their own rock n roll music and then, guess what? They were qualified to actually play it, too? Damn. Apparently, I've been told by my producer friends in the business that my way of thinking makes me a dinosaur. Well, so be it. At least, I know I built my band's website, I turned every knob to engineer the fucking album, I actually played my own guitar parts and sang without being 'auto tuned' in tune and guess what else? I actually write the songs with Bam who is even a MEMBER in the same band? Wow!
Damn! I just feel like Daffy Duck and screaming about it! What's wrong with this picture? Britney Spears does NOT ROCK!
So who does rock? Jet rock. The Hives rock. I thought the Vines rocked until I looked at their credits and saw that the record was done by session musicians and they're being pawned off on us punters as a band. I'm not so sure I get that one.
Am I jealous of those phoneys and their success? Damn straight. But not cuz I want to be in their shoes. But rather I wish I could get fake tits or sleep around or snort the right drugs with the right hipsters and just do what I know would make me a success. But NOOOOOOOO. Today I feel like I am Daffy and they are all Bugs Bunny! DAMN!
Okay. I feel better now. So much for the AGE OF REASON.
Today....Daffy....I salute you.
In knitting news..........
Tomorrow I go to the valley to be filmed on Knitty Gritty making a guitar strap! Hooray! Wish me luck fellow fiber creators.
Mood: Daffable.
Confession: March is my fave month. It is my birthday month. He he. Hence the Daffy rave.
Movies knitted to: ...we have a television that is only hooked up to a DVD player. So when we discover a TV show that we like, we just rent it. Yes, I hate the media that much. I really hate commercials. Anyway, it's cheesy and silly but I love FIREFLY. Love it!