I stumbled across this awesome tutorial today on how to unravel a store bought sweater so you can reuse the yarn! (think thrift store sweaters!)
if that just seems like too much work (hmmmm........yeah, I could dig that vibe!)
The creator of this tutorial does all the work and then sells the yarn on ebay: her seller id is neauknits
Then that got me doing a search on ebay for recycled yarn. Found even more of it for those of us who are cheap yet too time-restricted to actually do the work. he he.
On a political life note.........
really digging Michael Moore's site. Can't wait for his new film.
I haven't had any time to knit as we've been busy recording a band in our studio. So the multiple projects on sticks are sitting there. Calling to me.....! Soon soon soon.
Happy Wednesday.