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May 02, 2004



Cool and VERY rock and roll - kick ass musician and budding fashion designer! You are one talented babe!

rock chick



OH MY!! I love love love love love love love the BAM13 sweater. It looks great! And geez, man you came up with that pattern all on your own, your very first sweater. You're like our own knitting guru!!

Is peaches N Cream the same as Sugar N Cream? I have tons of Sugar N Cream, but the bucket hat pattern calls for other yarns like Tahki Cotton Classic, which is MUCH MUCH thinner than Sugar N Cream.


The BAM13 looks great! And I am sure it helps to have such a great model!


Nice job on the Bam13! The two yarns look great together.


Thank you everyone! I am still glowing with pride from my first finished design. Whew! What an undertaking.


Jen L

Dang, woman! That sweater rocks. Good one!


DUDE! I'm just browsing through your blog. I did a search for "knitted guitar straps" and somehow ended up here. Now I see why. I'm about to start a strap for myself - seems like a breeze, but we'll see. Anyway - I love your site. Knitting Rocker Chicks really must stick together in these uncertain times.
: D
I'll save your journal as a favorite!


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