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July 08, 2004



Well, that's why there is a frog pond: if you REALLY don't like your choice for your precious yarn, you rip it.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend; I hope things start to get better for her. My thoughts are with both of you.

I notice a lot of pink in your yarn collection--can I fly out there and take some of it off your hands? :)


Holy be-jesus woman - them is some perty yarns you got thear. I especially like that pink/orange fuzzy yarn in the bottom left corner. Care to share what it is?

If you don't like something, ribbit. But take pictures first so you can document how long you spent on something then ripped it out. sniffle.

Good job with the drop stitch and the two yarns, they look great. That'd be a great sweater.


You must have been reading my mind this morning Share. I was just thinking of pulling out all my stash and taking an inventory. Love the Zebra Colinette. I am bidding on some right now on Ebay and the Tagliatelli arrived and is just staring at me saying do something with me please. I decided that for my boss' birthday next week I am going to knit him per his request a security badge cozy. Should be interesting to say the least.

HOpe life is treating you better and that your friend is going to pull thru this rough patch.

See you next Tuesday and I will update my blog one of these days to report on the great Yarn Hunt of last weekend.



Oh WOW! does this ever sound familiar. The yarn and fleece I have stashed becuase I have not yet found the "perfect project" is beyond silly. We need to be brave and Just Do It!


I love stash pictures! And I even think I have some of that yarn!

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