In the Terry Gilliam sci-fi film, Brazil, a fly lands on a typewriter and causes a key to slip and this causes the wrong person to be executed.
You go to a restaurant and order fish. That night, you are throwing up from the tiny parasite that was in the fish.
The batteries in my digital camera died and that's why there's only been words on here.
Now the battery situation is not nearly as dire as the other two scenarios. But it's my excuse and I have to make it seem as dramatic as possible so it's plausible.
Which leads me to ..............stuff.
What I wanna know is they build things with planned obsolescence so we have to keep repairing/buying new stuff?
Is it really and truly that difficult to build something TO LAST!?!?
I reckon a handknit item will outlast a car easily.
And it is so much nicer to snuggle with than that great big 48" flat screen television they are always telling you need to buy.
I made one too many bids on ebay and ended up winning more Berroco Optik than I planned on!
Not a bad thing really!
But .....hmmmm....what to make!
I love this kind of problem.
To the Knitters Who Rock and Who Prove Knitters are Nonconformists of the Highest Order:
Thank you for your comments.
Screw the corporates.
We will carry on rocking and wherever we tour, I will be knitting when I can.
What a great observation, that a handknit sweater will outlast a car! Also, its a lot easier to repair a moth hole in a sweater than replace a transmission.
What color of Optik? That does look like a pretty interesting yarn.
Who knew Amoeba was so corporate? Not me, though I guess I knew it had changed a lot in the last 15 years. Well, sucks to be them I guess.
Japan, awesome!
Posted by: emily | August 20, 2004 at 02:00 AM