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November 11, 2004



Wow. All I can say is "wow". YOU have LIVED.


First of all, that was one looong post, girly. You obviously have a lot to say, which is good.
Please know how sorry I am that your pop is not doing well. I couldn't imagine facing what your mother is facing right now. 50+ years is a long time, then again so is 8. Either way, it's so hard and emotionally draining. Don't forget to look to your friends & family for support - they are there.

ps - great fucking stories.

John Aguilo

Hi Share,

Sorry to hear about your dad.
I hope things turn out for the best.


Great stories, all of them. Those are the kind of stories you get when you live a real life and stay true to yourself.

Please know that my thoughts are with you and your parents. I truly hope that your dad pulls through and I hope this gets easier for you and your mom. Not that it ever really could, I suppose.


Lee St. Paul, MN

pretty interesting stuff ... :)

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