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November 07, 2004



Congrats on getting published-- I clicked over to check it out and it sure looks good. I bet there will soon be Bam sweaters getting knitted all over the nation. And-- looking forward to seeing your VH1 thing. You totally deserve it all you cool-ass knitter!


WORD - congratulations on getting your pattern included in SnB! I can't wait to get the book and see what it looks like! Keep up the good knitting.


Great job on the pattern in SNB!! Just a note, the red bag with the guy on it... looks like Bam. No? It's a couple of pictures down, after yours.

You've got so much going on - so exciting!!



Oh I want to see that movie sooo bad! I didn't realise it was out yet! It's not here in my town yet.... bummer!

SNB Nation looks awesome! Congrats on getting published!!! I must make a trip to the book store tomorrow....cannot hold out on this one! ^_^


how was your show the other night? instead of watching election results, i should have gotten off my tired ass and gone to the show. i'd have been far less hostile on wednesday after seeing a rawkus rock n roll show and burning off some energy. :-)

love your SNB pattern, i have one in there as well. but i really want to hear more about the book agent/proposal. i'll bet you know why...


Thanks for the movie tip - I added it my Netflix queue.

Great sweater! Congratulations!


My TIVO is totally SET.


Hey Share-- Go here:
for a look at how purple America really is!!!


Share, just saw your VH1 show tonight. It was great and I think you were all very brave chicks for agreeing to do the show! I hope that everyone got good closure; it seemed like it from the show.

I'm dying to pick up my copy of SNBNation and look more closely at the Bam sweater.

Good luck with all of your pursuits. You're very talented!


Long time lurker here...Just wanted to give you a congrats on the book publication. I saw a copy the other day and knew right away it was yours without looking. Also, congrats on he VH1 show...I caught the episode last night. You looked great. I admit I was not much of a listener back in those days, but my husband (who was also in a band back then...oh my, you should have seen his hair!) thought it was way cool. He got a real kick out of you being hunted down in a yarn store. That's usually where he has to hunt me down.


I found out about the VH-1 show on your blog and I watched it, too, last night. I didn't have any idea what to expect, and I was thrilled that they ambushed and interviewed you in a yarn shop. I can't imagine what that experience must have been like. After watching the show, I have to say good for you for being true to your self. Oh, and congrats on being published! I'm supposed to get SNBNation in the mail from Debbie, so I'm going to have to wait on seeing the patterns up close.


Congrats on being in SnB Nation!
Looks like a bunch of LA SnB'ers have patterns in there...including me!
Can't wait to see the book already. It's getting great buzz.
I'm also curious about your agent, etc.

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