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December 03, 2004


Caryn in MN

Hi Share! I'm a fellow Minnesotan, and I also teach at Needlework Unlimited! I talked with Karen (the owner) today, and she was just so excited to have had you in the shop a couple of weeks ago! Sorry I missed you, loved the "Bam" sweater in S n' B!


(It's not that important) but just FYI... "God Jul" is Swedish for "Merry Christmas" (I'm from a immigrant Swedish family).


Yah, Dianna is correct! "God Jul" is Swedish for Merry Christmas!

Gotta go check on the lutfisk!


ah, but in norwegian, "god jul" does in fact mean "may all your farts be stinky with joy". what a coincidence!

just kidding, of course. merry x-mas!

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