So my mom has this tapestry thingy in her entryway that my cousin made for her. My cousin's mom is from Norway so the saying on the tapestry is in Norwegian. I asked her what it said and she couldn't remember but thought it was something like..."Merry Christmas" or "God Bless" or one of those nice things.
I countered that maybe my cousin was lying and what it REALLY says is:
"May all of your farts be stinky with joy".
This had everyone laughing their scandiHOOvian heads off.
My dad's main nurse brought him over here for a visit today. That was awesome. I made a nice lunch for everyone and it was just great to see him in 'his' chair. He and I had a lovely chat while I knitted and was just really nice.
The nice babes at Needlework Unlimited took some here we are.....
this is owner, Karen Rumpza. Super lady!
this is Julie, their webmistress. (she does a great's a huge site.)
and yours truly in my usual state of glee in a yarn shop!
Well, I must go get these Norwegian tshirts printed up........