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December 08, 2004


Tim Case

Hey, wait a minute...I want to be Courtney.


i've been enjoying your blog for a while now after stumbling onto it after seeing the VH1 special b/c i'm a knitter who loves music..the perfect combo. anyway, that courtney comment is crazy..you're so much more original.
btw, i'm 37, and totally remember you guys..it's so cool how you knit and have this other side of you.
i, too, LOOOOOVE the office and have every episode on dvd. funniest show out there, other than curb your enthusiasm. can't wait to get HBO again. anyway, you're totally cool & original so don't let stupid punk 'gurrrlllz' who are probably 17, get you down.


lol...I was sucked into the discussion on the new Vixen board also...couldn't resist putting in my 10 cents worth:) I just didn't like the fact that everyone was ragging on you and Janet (no everyone, but some)...had to give them a piece of my mind:) People can't grasp the concept that VH-1 used the "juicy" part of everyone's answers and spliced your responses to what THEY wanted you guys to be saying...ah well that aside, I could less now:) LOL

By the way, I LOVED the knitting lesson I got, and I'm working on my first scarf...it's pretty lame, but I'll get the hang of it:)


hi! i've been lurking here for a while without commenting. i love reading your blog! i have a funny story... last night my bf's brother called him to tell us that he just heard that motley crue was going on tour, and i was able to say, "i knew that already, i learned it from a knitting blog!"


No I WANT TO BE COURTNEY! She is a freak man, not to mention a media whore. Shar, you have your shit together! Rock on!


I LOVE Arrested Development and you're the first person I've run across who feels the same way. It's my favorite show on tv. Of course, I love The Office too, but that's not all that unusual - it's an awesome show and many Americans finally have caught on. I like CYE, but don't love it. There are moments of enormous humor, but there are other things that are so obvious that it takes the humor out of it. I love your blog. I hope your father improves soon. We still don't have snow here in Minnesota, if you have to come back, but it is pretty cold and gray for a sunny California girl like yourself :-)

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