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March 31, 2005



Personally, I love weird/strange knitting books/patterns - the weirder the better, in my opinion! Ha ha! I find many of today's books seem to be stylish, minimalist homewares like beige cushions etc. and, well, they're no fun to knit! ;)

rock chick

Just be you, doll. Start designing patterns for others, instead of what you'd desire, and you'll end up with the pre-fab manufactured Ashlee Simpson of knitting books. Frankly, we're full up on those puppies and that's why we're jazzed that you've been given a shot a this. Have at it!


Sounds fabulous! Just do what you do - better to do things for the love of them than to try to make total strangers love you. I'm looking forward to seeing the book - lemme know if there's anything I can do to help!


I don't think anyone is going to buy a book called Punk Knits and say, "Oh, this is TOO WEIRD FOR ME!" Unless of course they've been living under a rock for the last however many years. But I agree with MK, just do what you like and have fun with it. I'm sure you'll do a fabu job!!

Karen M

Oh, I don't know...it would be nice to see a knitting book for those of us who *don't* follow the happy herd. I'm looking forward to what you come up with!

I'm a new reader and I really enjoy everything I've seen here so far.


Share, you have absolutely nothing to worry about as you're putting together your knitting book...in fact, I love it that your patterns and projects are so nonconforming to what everyone else is knitting. Just be yourself and you have nothing to be nervous about. I agree with both MK and Rebecca, just be yourself and have a blast doing it!
I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a knitter and never have even tried. But I'm willing to start to learn just from reading and seeing all the fab creations you've made. I'm looking forward to learning---and your new book!


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