« The View From Austin, Texas! | Main | The Maui Report: Part 1 »

May 13, 2005



Sounds like Austin was really nice, and that you and Bam had a good time. I have heard the music scene down around there is awesome; so I'm sure if you decided to move there, you'd fit right in!
I am so jealous of you going to Maui. My husband and I were there back in June of last year for our honeymoon....it was so relaxing and nice....
Have fun in Maui....any new knitting projects?

rock chick

Municipalities must get a break on these PA systems as they also appear to be installed on every subway I ride.


Glad you had fun, you needed it! Hang in there with everything that's going on.

I think they purposefully have a bad PA because it's part of the experience. Last time I was on the Boston subway I was amazed to actually be able to hear what the announcements said, it was almost disappointing! ;)


Hi Share! Welcome back. I'm glad TX was all you hoped it would be. Maybe a move is the right thing for you at this stage of your lives. I love the idea of moving [but it also petrifies me!]. Have a ball in Hawaii!!!!! Please, take pictures for us again!

[Rebecca -- you must have rode on one of the few new cars, which have automated PA systems. It's spooky! I'll take a fuzzy ol' PA anyday. Nostagia, I guess.]


Oh Share, I feel your pain. Mr. Boo and I are are talking about relocating to another country!!! Where I won't get Comedy Central or BBC America!!! Don't even get me started.....so I totally understand your yes then no, then yes mood swings.


Glad "ya'll" had a good time down there. Always knew they had a good blues scene but was unaware there was a good punk scene. For anybody looking for a great blues player that I was unaware of for a long time check out Walter Trout....especially his "Relentless" cd or DVD from a year or so back.


Glad you had such a great time! Some of my fave almost-made-it-big-but-not-quite bands have come out of Austin. They have a fantastic music scene out there! If you do decide to relocate, I don't think you'll regret it.

Plus isn't the craft mafia out of Austin?


Hey Chic.. Glad you made it back..Glad you liked Austin.. and I must ask.. do you think that if you move you will start using the term "Ya'll"? Me personally due to my VA and NC roots I have no choice.. I think there is some kind of family law or maybe it is local that if I actually said "You all" or "You guys" that I could actually be shot on the spot! Another term that you might want to embrace is "ustacould" .. As in "Hey Sissy.. can you roller skate backwards?" Answer: "Well Bobby John.. I ustacould."
Have a great time in Hawaii!
Go ahead lets see if you can get it.. :)

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