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July 02, 2005



So glad to see you back. Can't wait for the book! since the hubby and I decided to move to Costa Rica I have been limited to a certain number of knitting books and I put yours on the list!

Sending oodles of positive energy your way!


Great video and great song.
Take care in Minn.


I'm glad that you sound like you're doing a little better. Hang in there ... it's really all you can do. I'm leaving tomorrow on an Amtrak train from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Seaside Heights, NJ for some vacation time near the boardwalk. It's my first time on a train and I'm very excited ... a lot of knitting (!), reading, watching the scenery go by, etc. Can't wait to see what's new on the blog when I get back. Stay strong, and take care of yourself.


I'm glad that you sound like you're doing a little better. Hang in there ... it's really all you can do. I'm leaving tomorrow on an Amtrak train from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Seaside Heights, NJ for some vacation time near the boardwalk. It's my first time on a train and I'm very excited ... a lot of knitting (!), reading, watching the scenery go by, etc. Can't wait to see what's new on the blog when I get back. Stay strong, and take care of yourself.


I'm glad that you sound like you're doing a little better. Hang in there ... it's really all you can do. I'm leaving tomorrow on an Amtrak train from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Seaside Heights, NJ for some vacation time near the boardwalk. It's my first time on a train and I'm very excited ... a lot of knitting (!), reading, watching the scenery go by, etc. Can't wait to see what's new on the blog when I get back. Stay strong, and take care of yourself.


OMG!!! I am so sorry, I don't know why my entry got sent three times!!!!


I don't agree with you about the feeling you have with yourself. How can you think like that?
Everyone who has eyes on his face will see how good look. You are attractive (it's not my fault if she's beautiful, BAM!...)and elegance is something that comes with your spirit not just in your clothes. You got style and that's what really matters. This is how you are and the best is to be as natural as possible, not being a fashion victim.

I really admire people like you who can break the rules and be themselves. Keep on being yourself. Any comparison is a mistake. You have your own values appart from the ones you get genetically from your parents.
Just be happy with yourself and love the ones who love you.
Lots of kisses.


I'm so glad that you are having a good day. Enjoy it!
As for the High Fructose Corn Syrup... It's pretty disgusting. My rule of thumb is if it has High Fructose Corn Syrup, or Hydrogenated Oils then I don't eat it. It's in EVERYTHING! Ugh.

Okay, off to watch the video with Ms. Thang playing the drums...


HEY I am soooo glad you are back. And yes your mother is beautiful! Why in the world would she think otherwise!!!


Hey Shazza!
Please give my love to your Mum and give her a hug for me okay?
Checked out the song...ya now a drummer too...good grief, is there nothing this woman can't do I ask myself! =>
Take care, and you know where I am if ya need a hug okay?
Don't be a stranger.....
Love as ever,
x x x


Hey Shazza!
Please give my love to your Mum and give her a hug for me okay?
Checked out the song...ya now a drummer too...good grief, is there nothing this woman can't do I ask myself! =>
Take care, and you know where I am if ya need a hug okay?
Don't be a stranger.....
Love as ever,
x x x


Hey Shazza!
Please give my love to your Mum and give her a hug for me okay?
Checked out the song...ya now a drummer too...good grief, is there nothing this woman can't do I ask myself! =>
Take care, and you know where I am if ya need a hug okay?
Don't be a stranger.....
Love as ever,
x x x

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