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February 10, 2006



That's rocktastically awesome!
I was wondering where you were and glad to hear such great news.
Now I just gotta get my butt out the Westside rut and come by and say hi.

Pam Gillette

Hey Share - years ago we met in MN (I was the drummer for Panga, ya we sucked.) I stumbled across your blog and couldn't believe it was you. Yrs back was big fan of Vixen, my friend WEndy L. knew Janet. Anyhow, congrats on the mgr. job! Sweet job at a cool spot.
Knot On _Pam


Congrats on the new "job"! Will you still have to work as a travel agent now that you got a gig we all envy?


Thought you fell off the face of the earth! Glad to see you are still around and have a cool new job. Lovely deck, too. :)


Hey Share....it's good to finally hear from you..I was starting to wonder where you've been. Congrats on the new job! I'm sure that it's wonderful...keep us posted on the book.
The deck looks wonderful too. Maybe you guys can come to Ohio and build me one on the back of my house? :)

Glad to hear you're doing well.


Manager in a yarn store... gee, your list of jobs just get worse and worse, don't they? Rock star... web designer... yarn store manager...

;) Missed you!

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