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June 20, 2006



Be careful lady! Maybe you just need to sit somewhere and knit for a while...


Good gawd woman! I second Carrie's notion. Take a break, knit and don't accidentally stab yourself with the knitting needles or nothin'.



Ooh, you are sounding a bit anemic or something. It sounds like your raw diet is due for some supplements (and not just fiber in the form of yarn).


Girl! you need to take care of yourself!!!!!
and eat some meat or something! lol.
Really though...maybe you should go to a vegitarian diet instede of vegan amd raw. I have always felt its fine to have yourself some eggs, milk and cheese, honey.
Yea, and that too....Honey! ;0)
Heal quick...drink some tea...
xo Moon


Hey sweetie -
I'm in agreement with Marnie. The anemia thing sounds probable; get it checked out. I'm damn close to anemic and am therefore not able to totally do the vegan thingie. :(
Glad to hear you rediscovered the joys of Advil, though! *lol*
Take care.


awwwwwwww! you are all so sweet. honestly, i'm not the least bit anemic but i have never been able to handle western medicine when it comes to downers. (not a good candidate for a drug habit!)
i used to have this problem much more often when i ate red meat and cheese and all that other stuff. in this case, it really was ....well, an overdose of advil. (9 in 12 hours)

to ease your minds, i have been tested for anemia and don't suffer from it in the least. i do take a supplement in the form of a digestive enzyme which i have to take no matter what i eat. (vegan or otherwise.)

but i am totally and utterly fine now. i'm here to tell you.....advil can get you very very high if you're a pure, non-drinking, non-smoking, non-caffeine, non-sugar person like myself! ha ha!!!

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