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January 05, 2007



A very Happy New Year to you too, Share! The kitty pi and the kitty in it are both so cute. Congratulations on the book -- it looks like great fun!


Great pictures! Bam is knitting?! Hot. [His scarves look great, too!]

I hope you have a great year - you really do deserve it. I can't wait to see the book!


Happy New Year. I hope you have a wonderful 2007>


Your episode was really great. The pieces looked killer on the model. Vavavavoom.

You are a natural on TV, and sounded really comfortable and clear. I enjoyed watching your episode.

BTW, men who knit are sexy ;o)


Tell Bam I love his scarves! Awesome! It must be so exciting, too, that the book is less than two months away. Love the kitty bed. I have three cats and eyed that pattern before. (If I knit three I'm sure they'll still fight over the same one.) I wish we got that show on our television. We have Bell Express Vu satellite, and I've never seen it on any of the channels. :(


Happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to you and Bam!
Congrats on Knitty Gritty! Was is on HGTV or DIY?
Bam's the cutest. I want to teach my husband how to knit, just for the fun of it, but he's resisting. I gotta show him your blog!

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