I ain't talkin' about the tv show either! I'm talkin' about real, live heroes....
We went to see The Lords of Altamont last night to film them for Rock n Roll TV and they now officially have Mike Davis as a member of their band. For those of you who don't know... Mike was the bassplayer in MC5!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was super cool and the band was kickin'. (as in kick out the jams which yes... they did play last night.)
Very very cool. And his wife, the beautiful and charismatic Angela... is a knitter!
Speaking of which... here is a shot of the baby blanket I knitted up log cabin style. The edges were completed with crochet and it's so cute.
The baby is Sophie, the newest addition to our extended family.
I had a strange thought today. Along the lines of Buddhist thinking. Imagine if you woke up and you had all the same talents and skills and all the same family and friends but you had no recollection of your past experiences. You would simply get to move forward without any baggage. (good or bad). Because we truly have no past and only have this moment. Yet it's so difficult to grasp that concept. How freeing to lose our egos and expectations and lose those past regrets and .... wow.
Alright... it's sunny, I'm hungry and we're meeting some friends later to see Michael Clayton.
That's friggin sweet that you met Mike Davis! I've met a few of my heroes and have to tell myself: "OK, don't be a dork, don't be a dork."
And I'm loving that baby blanket! I can't wait until I can do fun stuff like that.
Posted by: Emily | October 24, 2007 at 03:22 AM