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January 08, 2008



Your vacation sounds absolutely wonderful and your pictures are amazing! It looks like you and Bam are having a much well-deserved, great time.
Thanks for sharing your pictures with us...can't wait to hear about the dive!
Wish I was there relaxing too!

Jeanne B.

Oh, My God, that looks HEAVENLY. The photos... it's just breathtaking. I've been dreaming of a vacation to Mexico—maybe I'll divert to Isla Mujeres because it looks absolutely perfect. Thank you for sharing. Have a great vacation!


Ursula Andress eat your bloody heart out!!!!!


Oh my goodness, it looks unbelievable! This time of year I'm always hankering to get to a warm beach. Alas just heading back east to join my man on tour for a bit. Keep having a fantastic time!

Matt Johnson

My wife recently purchased a bag of soapnuts to use for cleaning cloth diapers for our baby girl. They worked better than any other laundry detergent she had tried. She was so impressed that she bought them in bulk & opened up an e-store so that she have a home-based business and still raise our daughter. Her site is http://Stores.HotterThanHealth.com Check it out!


Hello Share! I am a recent addict of your blog, I discovered it a couple weeks ago and have been reading through your archives.
I admire attitude and life choices, not to mention your knitting!
It was really cool to read through your blog from the beginning (when you were new to knitting and learning a lot) to you publishing a book! A punk rock knitting book, no less!
Just wanted to let you know to let you have a new reader. Looking forward to reading the updates of your trip etc. :)


This sounds like the perfect vacation - enough activities to make it fun but not so many that you are too busy rushing from even to event to enjoy any of it.


I think that's you at 52to48, yes?

I know you only from this blog, and still I recognized you!

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